Bankit - Banking App for Gen-Z

Team: Eleen Yu, Linnéa Eiron, Emma Sandblom, Cecilia Parkert, Habee Shirzad

My role: UI Design, Prototyping, Interviews, and Analysis. 

Design Tools: Figma, Mural, Miro, Figjam

Client: Nackademin

Timeline: 2 weeks 

The goal of this project was to design a Bank application, where its target group is Generation-Z, in addition to having normal Banking app functionalities, we had to find some more functions which would help and improv banking habits of those in Generation Z (around age of 18 to 26).

After conducting around 16 interviews, researching online, referring to official research done by some of the trustworthy Universities of Sweden, we came to the following conclusion: Most of the generation-z are eager to have control over their finance and banking, in addition to wanting learn more about savings from experts.

Design Process:

Having the above as our main insight and goal, we started problem solving and idea generating, Important steps that we went through:

User Stories

To put ourselves into user’s shoes and perspective. 


To get to know users better and have an ideal user profile.

How Might Wes (HMW)

Small workshop to identify user’s pain points and possible solutions to them.

Ideate/Idea workshop

Workshops to come up with Ideas on how to create or improve solutions. 


  • A name, slogan and a logo that attract gen-z; BankIt (Hack your future!).
  • Similar features that a normal banking application have, but easy to use and navigate.
  • Economy-School; A section of the app where users get free access to handpick and written guide, and tutorials by BankIt’s stuff and experts. The knowledgebase will include texts and videos on how to save more, invest the proper way and get comprehensive control over their spending

Flow chart:

After knowing the needs and hows of the application we started, creating sketching on paper. Then we handpicked the winning ideas, and started creating a flow chart of the app.


After sketching on paper and the flow chart, we had enough material to create a high-fidelity wireframe, the following are some of the wireframes that we created using Figma.

Wireframes (High fidelity):