Byggmax - Raw Material Calculator

Team: Patryk Chodowiec, Cecilia Parkert, Eleen Yu, Habee Shirzad

My role: UI Design, Prototyping, Interviews, and Analysis. 

Design Tools: Figma, Mural, Miro, Figjam

Client: Byggmax & Nackademin

Timeline: 7 weeks (Oct – Nov 2021)


The goal of this UX project was to help new customers decide how much material they need to finish their small projects at home.


  1. A web-based “Raw Material Calculator” that doesn’t require maintenance, except the initial release, and isn’t connected to products or products page directly.
  2. Find a solution to “Why new DIYers give up early in their journey?”

Design Thinking Process​

Throughout the project, we used the non-linear and iterative process called “Design Thinking”, to achieve the best results and solutions to our challenges. 


In this phase we mainly use empathetic processes to identify our user’s problems and needs.


We can now define our user’s problems, by doing thorough analysis and creating scenarios, such as user journeys. 


The previous two phases helped us in  generating new ideas, thinking outside the box, and user’s point of view for new solutions.


In this phase we tried to tackle on the MVP of the solutions, and create a prototype of it.  


This phase is where we got to test out our prototype and solution. 


This phase we worked mostly on understanding the users and Identifying their needs. Through some research, we identified different types of users shopping at Byggmax, and we categorized them into 4 sperate groups, and created personas of each: The Planner, The Optimist, The Beginner, The Experienced. 

Of course these personas and conducting further user research, including competitor & market analyses, and eleven interviews, we came to the understanding that: In order to plan for their projects, especially  beginner DIYers need to accurately calculate how much material is needed for a successful project. 



Understanding the users through personas, research and interviews, led us to creating detailed user journeys based on various scenarios, these in return helped us pinpoint where a materials calculator tool would be most beneficial for users.

All our research and hypotheses led us to two design questions:

  1. How can we provide Beginner DIYers with support in every step of their project?

  2. How can we help The Optimist and The Planner reliably calculate how much material they need for their project?


Although our findings were guiding us to a different path, we couldn’t ignore our main directive from Byggmax. Therefore, we made the decision to follow the path of having two deliverables. Firstly, as Byggmax initially requested, a web based materials calculator, and the second deliverable would be a potential solution was that would be able to meet the very specific user needs we found in our research. Being that the Beginner DIYers had the most needs and most susceptible to giving up at the start of their journey, we decided to use this user group as the starting point of our ideation phase. Based on our two design questions we brainstormed and evaluated our ideas.

We did the following before getting to the next phase: 

How Might Wes(HMW):
To brainstorm and come up with Ideas, from simplest solutions to craziest. 

Impact/Effort Mapping:
To get and estimate the values and effects of the solutions.

Low-Fi Paper Wireframes:
Each of us tried to sketch paper wireframes based on our effort map.

More details coming soon...

Meanwhile you can check out our Final prototypes.

Credit: Thank you Eleen Yu for the detailed documentation of the project.